I never know for sure where I am going to get an idea for my Monday blog (which is late this week). Most times something in my life, on the news, or in the horse world inspires me, but this week was different. An email from Germany got me thinking...
I was away last weekend at the 100 Mile Sliders Horse Bazaar with my two stallions and though I brought my laptop with good intentions of writing for this blog, I didn't even open it. When I got home Sunday evening, I checked my email. There were several redirected from Facebook, most of which I deleted right away. One, however, caught my attention - a girl in Germany had read my post on AQHA regarding pasture breeding. Apparently that led to her checking out my Facebook photos and Wildwood Reining Horses web site and prompted her to send me a message:
"I love, love love everything about it. Reading about you and looking at your pictures takes away the fear of getting older," she wrote
Wow! That's really interesting! I have several reasons for posting photos on my web site and Facebook, but not once did I intend to be a poster child for growing old. However, if my life as presented through my web page and Facebook truly did take away the fear of aging, then that makes me happy. She's right. I am not afraid of the years stacking up - dismayed sometimes that they go by so fast, but not afraid. I suppose I live my life the same as I did twenty, thirty or forty years ago and that is what shows in my writing and in the photos. That too, will change in time, but I will adjust.
I do not connect with any Facebook people I do not actually know or consider a friend. I might have to rethink that, especially since my German friend tells me I made her break her own rule about only adding people she knows in real life when she contacted me!